The Crane: a Symbol for Longevity
The Root of all existing Karate Styles and the Essence of Southern Chinese Martial Arts
This is the official website for the Weng Gong Ci Wushu Guan (Weng Gong Ci Martial Gymnasium) outside of China. The purpose of this site is to provide information about White Crane Kung Fu as taught in the main centre in China and to promote the Yongchun White Crane Kung Fu. For people actively training in Yongchun White Crane Kung Fu we have resources in the form of text, images and other media.
Since 1928 the Weng Gong Ci Wushu Guan has been the focal point of traditional White Crane in the county of Yongchun. Following its inception, students of the Weng Gong Ci Wushu Guan have travelled and taught in other countries. By providing information about the style, its aims and training methods we hope to continue this tradition. The calendar on this site provides information about seminars and activities organized with this aim.
We thank the Weng Gong Ci Wushu Guan, led by Master Pan Qiong Qi and his family, for their support and the opportunity of studying and teaching with them.