International Site for the Weng Gong Ci Wushu Guan


Yongchun White Crane Seminar with Haki Celikkol

Emmerich-Vrasselt, Karate TV-Jahn:

Great Seminar with Haki Celikkol (6th Dan and official representative of the Weng Gong Ci Martial Gym, Yongchun, China) in Emmerich-Vrasselt on Saturday, 14th October. 21 Participants didn’t want to miss this experience – and an experience it was indeed! Yongchun Bai He Quan or Yongchun White Crane is the root and origin of all existing Karate styles, so that the movements and techniques were not completely new to us: they can be found especially in the Katas. The applications however are slightly different, but easy to be seen, convincing and sensible. A real enrichment and eye opener for us Shotokan practitioners!

Theo van Kempen

Theo van Kempen

Updated: 17. October 2017 — 22:08
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