International Site for the Weng Gong Ci Wushu Guan

- head of the Weng Gong Ci Martial School, Vice Head of the Martial Arts Federation of Quanzhou as well as the City and County of Yongchun
- 9th Duan Wuzuquan and Yongchun Baihequan
- from childhood on student of his father Pan Xiaode (see about Pan Xiaode)
- successful participant in various martial meetings and in uncounted competitions
- 1993 by order of the local government sent to Singapore for teaching and advertising purposes
- participant in numerous regional and nationwide reportages, among them the CCTV production “Discovering Chinese Martial Arts”
- participant of the International Martial Arts Demonstration, London, August 2007
- organizer and host of all kinds of martial arts meetings, of national and international exchanges
- numerous visits to Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, England, Spain, Germany and Russia
- exchanges with Israel, France, US, Japan, Germany, Italy, Russa etc.
- registered in the “National List of Martial Artists” of the People’s Republic of China
- holder of the “Lion-Medal” for his research
- honored by the government of Fujian Province for his research
- 1988-2003 permanent member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultation Conference, County of Yongchun
- 1990 until today member of the Yongchun County Committee of the Communist Party and supervisor of the Honest and Industrious Government Functionaries
- 2011 appointed “Person to preserve and pass on the non-material cultural heritage of Yongchun Baihequan”